Council is focusing its works program on the following initiatives.
Community Housing
Commonwealth funds are provided through the State Government to allow Council to erect new houses on Palm Island. This has allowed the development of new housing estates and reduced overcrowding in existing housing.
Council has been very successful in attracting additional housing funds due to its delivery performance.

Foreshore Revitalisation
Council has been successful in directing a range of funding programs to rehabilitation and beautification of the foreshore. Rock walls, paths and landscaping has been installed to improve the general area. This work has been complemented with landscaping works in from of the food store.
Retail Precinct
Rapid progress is being made on the retail precinct in the town centre. Check out this fly through that shows what is being built and the deadly designs by local artists being incorporated.
Town Precinct
A master plan has been developed for the town area adjacent to the Council Administration Building.
Queensland Health has commenced its development in the location and the long term goal of Council is to develop a shopping precinct incorporating the Council administration and shops that will support the community and local tourism.
Waste Management
Disposal of waste is a concern for Council as the Palm Island Group sits in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Council has set a program in place to remove old car bodies and other metal from the island and is working towards improved management of general waste disposal. Waste management is a very expensive operation for Council.
Water Supply
Water supply is seen as one of the most important services for the community. In recent years there has been concern in relation to drought management and Council has focused on options for reducing the risk of drought impact on the water supply. Water is one area where Council needs direct assistance from the community to manage the usage.
Sewerage Services
The Council’s wastewater treatment service is continually monitored, improved and upgraded to ensure Council meets the licencing requirements.
Project Funding
Council relies heavily on State and Commonwealth funds for the delivery of day to day services and specific projects. The current Works for Queensland funding provided by the State Government has allowed Council to provide enhancements that would not be possible under the Council’s annual funding model.
The Council continually seeks out funding opportunities for upgrades of services and facilities on the Island and Councillors are constantly lobbying State and Commonwealth politicians and bureaucrats in relation to funding options.
Road Resealing & Rehabilitation Project
The Plam Island Road and Rehabilitation Project is an initiative of the Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council and the Queensland Government - Local Government Grants and Subsidies Program.